Yesterday I had the opportunity to do a training with the Refresh A Braille 18 from APH. Well, the Technology gods were not smiling on me on that day. Imagine everything that could go wrong and more. I started the day off forgetting my computer, strike 1. I drove 82 miles and two hours to do this training so there was no turning around and going back...onward with a positive outlook, right?!
Strike 2- the room where the training took place was less then wireless and the wire that was provided to connect us was too short. So I could not bring the computer close to the participants, we all had to stand around a cluttered desk. Oh did I mention that the computer also lacked blue tooth and the cord provided for the Refresh A Braille was also very short. Oh and someone turned on the heat (it was 90 degrees outside) so we all were perspiring and I am being kind when I say that. Thank goodness someone had the sense to turn on the AC!
Strike 3, when everything was finally set up, the Refresh A Braille wouldn't respond. The tech person and I tried everything we could think of to trouble shoot the problem, nothing worked. Several hours later and more frustration I still had to drive back 82 miles and and two hours through the Ocala National Forest.
Okay so the Technology gods didn't smile on me that day but it was still a great opportunity to do a tech. training. After all I am a tech. geek in training and these things happen, I must learn from my experiences . Needless to say, I called APH to find out what went wrong...What I found out was that we needed to update the drivers for JAWS 12...d'oh!
Thank you Pamela from APH you were a lifesaver!
Speaking of refreshable braille. I just received my Braille Sense plus with qwerty key board. It is charging as I blog. I am going to read through the manual this evening and begin my new adventure tomorrow
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